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Wyniki wyszukiwania (107)

Have your say on the future EU High Performance Computing Initiative

The European Commission has opened a consultation on the High Performance Computing Initiative in Europe. The Commission wants to gather stakeholders’ opinions on the key areas of the future EU-wide initiative on HPC that will support the development of the next generation of computing and data infrastructure in Europe.

Water utilities scan market for smart meters

Seven water utilities are inviting vendors to the open market consultation meetings in September 2017 for their upcoming PCP procurement on smart metering: Viveracqua (IT), Promedio (ES), Eau de Paris (FR), Syndicat des eaux et de l'assainissement Alsace-Moselle (FR), Compagnie intercommunale Liegoise des eaux (BE), Hydrobru (BE), Vizmuvek (HU). SMART.MET focuses on a more efficient open standardised smart-meter based drinking water management framework to improve customer service, decrease operating costs, better prioritize infrastructure investments and contribute to water conservation.

Wydarzenie |

  • European Economic and Social Committee | 99 rue Belliard, Building Jacques Delors, 1040 Brussels
45th Meeting of the AVMSD Contact Committee

The Contact Committee has been established to monitor the implementation of the Audiovisual and Media Services Directive and the developments in the sector as well as to offer a forum for the exchange of views.

Public Consultation on the Evaluation and Review of the ePrivacy Directive

The European Commission seeks stakeholders' views on the current text of the ePrivacy Directive as well as the possible changes to the existing legal framework to make sure it is up to date with the new challenges of the digital area. The consultation is open until 5 July 2016.