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Call for proposals | Publication

European media platforms

The Commission is launching a new €6million call for proposals to set up European media platforms projects, aiming to improve EU citizens’ access to trusted information across the European Union.

Woman checking the news in her laptop at home

© Gorodenkoff - GettyImages

Applicants should submit projects that enhance and expand technical media systems delivering news media content and/or programming. They are encourage to collaborate and to increase the availability of original reporting, helping news media organisations reach new audiences. They should thus explain how these projects would allow to effectively handling the content or contain sufficient methods for content search and discovery systems.

The transparency and openness of technical tools and editorial arrangements are fundamental components of the call. Users should feel safe, informed when accessing information and protected from undesired manipulation techniques. When used, algorithms should be explainable and verifiable, and designed to accommodate citizens’ fundamental rights as well as values linked to news quality standards, such as fact-based communication, unbiased reporting, independence, pluralism, diversity of viewpoints, fairness, transparency, and respect for human dignity, equality and human rights.

These technical arrangements should be combined with a credible news content offer and reach as many EU citizens as possible in as many European languages as possible, for example through human and automatic translation or by involving multipliers.

The call is open to news media organisations –including broadcasters and publishers-, media technology developers and other organisations active in the news media domain. Applicants are invited to involve as many organisations as possible in view of expanding the reach and systemic impact of the proposed projects.

The territorial focus of the action are the European Union Member States. Consortia must include news media organisations from at least five different EU Member states. Only applications from legal entities established in the EU member states are eligible under this call.

The grant agreement will include a charter of independence to make sure that applicants are editorially free and operate without any political interference. 

The maximum co-financing rate of is 80% of the total eligible costs. The Commission expects to fund approximately 3 proposals, with an expected duration of 12 months. The maximum amount per grant has been set at €2.5million. The Commission reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

Expected results

This call will fund the setup and development of European media platforms, increasing the available offer of quality information across the Union. As a result, citizens will have access to quality content in as many EU languages as possible, representing the different geographic regions of Europe, helping to increase their trust in quality news content online.

The action will help create the underlying conditions to develop a cross-border media public sphere, by improving the circulation and consumption of European news content.

The call is the result of a preparatory action approved by the European Parliament in 2022.

More information

  • The call for proposals, application forms and all relevant documents are available below.
  • Questions can be sent to until 5 working days before the deadline. All questions and answers will be published, anonymously, on this page.
  • For an overview of other grant opportunities for news media, see updates on this page.
  • You can subscribe to receive automatic updates whenever articles related to media are published on DG CNECT’s Digital Strategy website.

(If reading in another language, consult the English original for call documents.)


00. Questions and answers - Version 13 September (.pdf)
01. Call for proposals (.pdf)
02. Grant Application Form (Part A) (.docx)
03. Grant Application Form (Part B) (.docx)
04. Estimated Budget (annex 2 Model Grant Agreement) (.xlsx)
05. Financial Capacity Check Table (.xls)
06. Declaration Standards Independence (.docx)
07. Declaration of Honour (.pdf)
08. Model Grant Agreement (.pdf)
09. Unit Costs and SME owners (annex 2a of the Model Grant Agreement) (.pdf)
10. Specific Rules (annex 5 MGA) (.pdf)
11. Financial identification (.pdf)
12. Legal Entity Private (.pdf)
13. Legal Entity Public (.pdf)
14. Privacy Statement (.pdf)