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EU funding opportunities for the news media sector

The European Commission aims to support projects that promote a free, diverse and pluralistic media environment and/or address structural challenges of media sectors.

This page presents EU grants for the news media sector under three main categories: “media freedom and pluralism”, “collaboration and innovation”, and “citizen engagement and public sphere”. Where relevant, the Commission includes an independence clause in the grants signed so that beneficiaries operate with full editorial independence.

In addition to currently open calls for proposals, this page includes current beneficiaries of closed calls for proposals. Once the funding period is over projects are removed from this page.

These calls of proposals are also available in the CulturEU Funding Guide. For information about the European Commission support to the news media sector beyond grants, please visit the ‘News Initiative’ page.

Funding opportunities come from different instruments, such as established programmes or pilot projects and preparatory actions. The application process differs from a funding instrument to another. This page offers you the link towards the page where the actual call is published, containing the instructions to apply.

The funding opportunities are split below into the following categories:

  1. Media freedom and pluralism
  2. Collaboration and innovation
  3. Citizen engagement and public sphere


1. Media freedom and pluralism

Media freedom and pluralism are essential principles enshrined by the European Charter of Fundamental Rights. Funding instruments include pilot projects and preparatory actions, and as of 2021 through the Creative Europe programme.


Media Freedom Hub (2025)

This call for proposals aims to support and preserve a diverse media environment and focuses on supporting existing independent Russian and Belarusian media established and working in the EU.

Budget: 2 940 000

Expected duration: between 22 and 24 months

European Festival of Journalism and Media Freedom

This call for proposals will fund a European Festival of Journalism and Media Freedom to facilitate exchanges between media professionals from across Europe.

Budget: €3 million

Expected duration: between 24 and 27 months



2. Collaboration and innovation

The Commission aims to support the transformation and competitiveness of the news media sector. This support comes from grants under Creative Europe and research programmes (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe) and pilot projects and preparatory actions.



There are currently no open calls for proposals.

3. Citizen engagement and public sphere

The Commission wants to stimulate a lively and diverse public sphere, in which citizens have access to reliable information about the EU. Support for independent production and dissemination of news content on EU affairs is available through the Multimedia Actions. In addition, the Commission supports the development of innovative and attractive projects to engage with citizens, as well as media literacy.

  • The procedure to apply to these funding opportunities changes depending on the funding source.
  • Under established programmes (e.g. Creative Europe, Horizon Europe) the procedures are centralised in the Funding & tender opportunities portal as a unique place where the calls for proposals are published, where applicants must upload their applications, and where the list of beneficiaries and project descriptions are published.



A European public sphere: a new online media offer for young Europeans (2024)

For the fifth time, a call for proposals will support the production of daily, thought-provoking and trustworthy content on current affairs from across Europe for and by young Europeans.

Budget: €9 million

Expected duration: 12-14 months

Cross-border Media Literacy projects

Through this call for proposals, the EU will fund innovative solutions to enhance the media literacy skills of all European citizens, support effective cross-border cooperation, and limit the detrimental impact of disinformation.

Budget: €2 570 000

Expected duration: 24 months

Recent calls to support the news media sector

photo of a journalist taking notes and holding 2 microphones
  • Call for proposals
  • 06 January 2025 - 31 March 2025

This call for proposals will fund a European Festival of Journalism and Media Freedom to facilitate exchanges between media professionals from across Europe.

A person’s arm operating a professional film camera, with a blurred background.
  • Call for proposals
  • 24 October 2024 - 06 March 2025

In a rapidly evolving digital media landscape, the Commission continues to invest in innovative solutions to enhance the media literacy skills of all European citizens, support effective cross-border cooperation, and limit the detrimental impact of disinformation.

A professional camera filming a crowd of people, blurred in the background.
  • Call for proposals
  • 24 October 2024 - 15 January 2025

The aim of this call is to promote an independent and pluralistic media environment through an independent Europe-wide rapid response mechanism to monitor and support media freedom and journalists' safety.

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