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Greening the Video Games Industry: Winning Solutions for the Environment

The workshop was the seventh of a series of twelve workshops by the European Video Games Society and aimed to explore some of the sector’s leading initiatives and good practices to promote sustainability across the industry.

Workshop 7, Greening the Video Games Industry: Winning Solutions for the Environment; 22 August 2022, held during the DEVCOM Conference in Cologne, Germany. The aim of this seventh workshop was to explore some of the video gaming sector’s leading initiatives to promote sustainability across the industry and to present real examples of practice from the industry. The event focused on a range of tangible actions within the value chain of game development that industry players can take to accelerate the implementation of practice to support the green transition and to help combat climate change. GameForest.Club. Non-for-profit organisation to inspire video game industry to actively invest in carbon absorption. Video games have an enormous power to inspire environmental actions. Video game companies can raise climate change awareness and collect funds for environmental actions. Video game studios can reduce their carbon footprint by carrying out reforestation and forest protection actions. GameForest.Club provides a virtual forest to visualise the environmental impact of studios actions. Since the beginning of the project in November 2021, 16 project have joined, 41.000 trees have been planted, and 1.2 million square metres have been protected. Serious Bros. Insights from a studio that is taking several environmental actions. The studio has developed Imagine Earth, a game designed to raise environmental awareness. Imagine Earth puts the player in a position of a global economic actor who needs to find a balance between growth and sustainability to succeed. The studio donates the funds raised from the soundtrack sales and the benefits obtained from the sale of a green planet bundle. The video game links a game achievement with planting trees in real life via a collaboration with Green Game Jam. The studio runs charity sales on Steam together with various projects supporting forests. Game Lab Graz Group.Gamification capabilities in other industries to foster sustainability. The research group develops video games and simulations for training applications in simulated environments. Game Lab Graz uses Virtual Reality (VR) technology to visualise and simulate energy-related relevant processes and elements. The research group has created digital twin rooms where properties can be changed to explore the changing temperature of the material or see the effect of the atmosphere in the room.


Workshop 7 - Summary report (.pdf)
Workshop 7 - Visual summary (.jpg)