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Results of the European Data Market study 2021-2023

The European Data Market (EDM) monitoring tool provided essential information to the European Commission on the size and trends of the EU data market and data economy, the number of data professionals, the number of data companies and the revenues created by them.

European Data Market study 2021-2023


The new European Data Market study aimed to offer a meaningful and comprehensive understanding of the main characteristics of the EU data economy. In addition, activities were dedicated to providing reports about various aspects of the European data economy including quantitative facts and figures not yet covered by the indicators themselves. Finally, activities on the development of the community of data-related stakeholders across Europe were further supported with regular updates on the EU data landscape.

Final study report

The final study report presents a set of indicators measuring data professionals, the data skills gap, the value of the data market, the number of data provider and user companies and their revenues, as well as the overall impact of the data economy on the EU27’s GDP. All indicators are presented for the years 2020 to 2023 and offer forecasts for 2025 up to 2030, exploring three potential development scenarios: baseline, high growth, and pessimistic scenarios. 

Study deliverables

I. Reports on facts & figures

These reports present the results obtained through three rounds of measurements of the European Data Market Monitoring Tool. It covers the years 2020-2023 with a baseline for 2025 and 2030 under three alternative scenarios.

II. Reports on policy conclusions

These reports offer an overview of the key indicators of the European Data Market Monitoring Tool in the light of the current data policy landscape and interprets the three proposed scenarios (the Baseline Scenario, the High-Growth Scenario and the Challenge Scenario) based on policy measures and on varying macro-economic and political conditions. The main storylines of the scenarios have been updated to consider recent disruptive events, specifically the potential consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war and the worsening macroeconomic conditions.

III. EU Data Landscape reports

These reports aimed to capture the European data phenomenon and, at the same time, to provide insights on how stakeholders in the data economy develop year by year.

The Data Landscape provides a solid mapping of the main key players in the data economy. It uses objective and well-defined criteria to select the most promising big data companies in Europe with a special focus on the 'key data companies' category.

 IV. Data stories

These data stories provide, among other things, a number of data sharing practices from different sectors:

V. Previous Data Market Studies 

The results of the previous studies are available at:

VI. Related documents 

It specifies the taxonomy and the methodology to be used during the lifetime of the study contract, as well as detailed information on the resources and objectives in accordance with the indications provided by the European Commission.