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European Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation

An advisory expert group on all matters related to European ICT standardisation.

The European Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ICT standardisation (MSP) was set up following a Commission Decision , to advise on all matters related to the implementation of ICT standardisation policies. The tasks of the MSP include:  

  • Advising the Commission on potential future ICT standardisation needs in support of European legislation, policies and public procurement
  • Identifying ICT technical specifications for public procurements, developed by global ICT standards-developing organisations
  • Fostering cooperation between organisations working on ICT standards
  • Developing, together with the Commission, the Rolling Plan on ICT standardisation, which provides an annual overview of the ICT standardisation needs and activities in support of the EU policies and regulations.  

MSP is composed of representatives of:

  • national authorities from EU Member States & EFTA countries, 
  • European and International ICT standardisation bodies
  • stakeholder organisations representing the industry
  • small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 
  • european society

It is chaired by the European Commission Directorate-General Communication, Networks, Content and Technology (DG CONNECT), and holds plenary meetings 2-3 times a year

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Rolling plan for ICT standardisation

The Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation outlines activities that connect EU policies to standardisation efforts in more than 30 technological domains.