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Shaping Europe’s digital future

National Digital Decade strategic roadmaps

Member States must submit to the Commission national roadmaps, detailing the actions they plan to implement to collectively reach the 2030 Digital Decade goals.

Each roadmap details the adopted or planned actions up to 2030, in order to reach collectively the digital targets and general objectives set by the Digital Decade Policy Programme. These strategic roadmaps also contain the national projected trajectories, as well as the expected impact of the policies, measures and actions. 

The Digital Decade Policy Programme indicates that each national roadmap should be subjected to the consultation with key stakeholders, before submitting them to the Commission. After assessing them, the Commission will provide an overview and, if needed, recommend actions in its second Report on the Digital Decade. On that basis, roadmaps can then be adjusted, taking also into account changes and updates in policies and technologies.

Flag of Austria Austria

[notranslate] Nationaler strategischer Fahrplan für die Digitale Dekade Österreich [/notranslate] (German)
[notranslate] National strategic roadmap for the Austrian Digital Decade [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of Hungary Hungary

[notranslate] Magyarország Nemzeti Stratégiai Ütemterve [/notranslate] (Hungarian)

Flag of Belgium Belgium

[notranslate] Digital Decade 2030 Roadmap Belgium [/notranslate] 


[notranslate] Ireland’s National Strategic Roadmap for the EU Digital Decade Policy Programme. [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria

[notranslate] Програма „Цифрово десетилетие“ до 2030 г. Пътна карта на България [/notranslate] (Bulgarian)

Flag of Latvia Latvia

[notranslate] Digitālās desmitgades stratēģiskais ceļvedis Latvijai līdz 2030.gadam [/notranslate] (Latvian)

Flag of Croatia Croatia

[notranslate] Program politike puta u digitalno desetljeće 2030 [/notranslate] (Croatian)


[notranslate] Lietuvos Respublikos nacionalinis skaitmeninio dešimtmečio planas [/notranslate] (Lithuanian)

[notranslate] National Digital Decade roadmap of the Republic of Lithuania. [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 

[notranslate] National Digital Decade Strategic Roadmap 2023 [/notranslate] (English)


[notranslate] Digital Decade – National strategic roadmap for Luxembourg [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of the Czech Republic Czech Republic

[notranslate] Cesta k evropské digitální dekádě: Strategický plán digitalizace Česka do roku 2030. [/notranslate] (Czech)

[notranslate] The Path to Europe’s Digital Decade: The Strategic Plan for the Digitalization of Czechia by 2030 [/notranslate] (English)


[notranslate] Digital Decade Strategic Roadmap 2023 – 2030 Malta. [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of Denmark Denmark

[notranslate] Danmarks nationale strategiske køreplan for EU's digitale årti [/notranslate] (Danish)


[notranslate] Krajowy plan działania do programu polityki “Droga ku cyfrowej dekadzie” do 2030 r [/notranslate] (Polish)


[notranslate]European Digital Decade Strategic Roadmap Estonia[/notranslate](English)


[notranslate]Planul Național de Acțiune privind Deceniul Digital pentru România 2030[/notranslate](Romanian)

Flag of Finland Finland

[notranslate] Suomen etenemissuunnitelma EU:n Digitaalinen vuosikymmen 2030 -politiikkaohjelma [/notranslate] (Finnish)

[notranslate] Finland’s National Roadmap - EU Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030 [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of Slovakia Slovakia

[notranslate] Vnútroštátny plán Digitálnej dekády Slovenskej republiky [/notranslate] (Slovak)

[notranslate] National Digital Decade Strategic Roadmap of the Slovak Republic [/notranslate] (English)

Flag of France France

[notranslate] Feuille de route de la France - La décennie numérique 2024 - 2030 [/notranslate] (French)


[notranslate] Nacionalni strateški načrt za digitalno desetletje [/notranslate] (Slovene)


[notranslate] Nationaler Fahrplan zur Digitalen Dekade [/notranslate] (German)

Flag of Sweden Sweden

[notranslate] Svensk nationell färdplan för EU:s digitala decennium [/notranslate] (Swedish)

Flag of Greece Greece

[notranslate] The Greek National Digital Decade Strategic Roadmap [/notranslate] (English)



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