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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Digital Partnerships

Through digital partnerships, the EU can strengthen connectivity across the world.

Digital partnerships have proved a vital component in creating unity and connection across the EU and the world. By collaborating with like-minded countries, the EU is able to tackle the digital divide and strengthen its ties beyond Europe.

In keeping with the Digital Compass strategy, which aims to make Europe a digitally connected continent by 2030, the EU have committed to building strong partnerships using the four pillars of The Digital Compass - skills, infrastructures, transformation of business and of public services.

This ensures the EU and its partners can foster a fair, inclusive and equal digital environment for all.


The EU currently has four partnerships with Japan, Korea, Singapore and Canada. The first digital partnership was signed in May 2022 with Japan during the 28th EU-Japan Summit.

This partnership focused on safety and security in the following areas:

  • Secure 5G,
  • Beyond 5G”/6G technologies,
  • Safe and ethical applications of artificial intelligence,
  • The resilience of global supply chains in the semiconductor industry.

In November 2022, a partnership with the Republic of Korea was launched. This digital partnership saw both parties agree to cooperate on:

  • Semiconductors,
  • Next generation mobile networks,
  • Quantum and High-Performance Computing,
  • Cybersecurity,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Platforms, data and skills.

On 1 February 2023, the EU-Singapore Digital Partnership was signed, continuing to strengthen the EU's partnerships in Asia. The partnership was announced jointly by President von der Leyen and Prime Minister Lee at the EU-ASEAN summit in December 2022. This partnership has prioritised digital transformation and skills, further bridging the digital divide. They aim to work together on:

  • Semiconductors, 
  • Trusted data flows and data innovation,
  • Digital trust,
  • Standards,
  • Digital trade facilitation,
  • Digital skills for workers,
  • The digital transformation of businesses and public services.

On 24 November 2023, the EU and Canada launched a Digital Partnership to reinforce cooperation on digital issues during the 19th EU-Canada Summit. The partnership reflects a shared vision for a positive and human-centric digital economy and society. The EU and Canada agreed to work together on:

  • Connectivity,
  • Digital identity, data governance and data spaces,
  • Artificial Intelligence,
  • Semiconductors,
  • Quantum technologies,
  • Cyber security,
  • foreign information manipulation and disinformation
  • Research.

On 26 March 2024, the EU and the Republic of Korea held the second Digital partnership Council in Brussels. The EU and Korea reaffirmed their commitment to cooperate in key digital technologies for the benefit of citizens and economies agreed on a list of key areas to further cooperate:

  • Semiconductors
  • 5G and beyond
  • Quantum technology
  • Platforms
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Network connectivity

On 30 April 2024, the EU and Japan held their second Digital Partnership CouncilThe partners took stock of the progress achieved since the first Digital Partnership Council in 2023 and agreed on a list of new deliverables to further cooperate on core digital technologies:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Connectivity (5G and 6G) 
  • Semiconductors
  • High performance computing (HPC) 
  • Quantum technology
  • Collaboration in data and platform economy
  • Submarine cables
  • Electronical identification (eID)
  • Cybersecurity

All partnerships aim to increase cooperation between the EU and compatible countries, fostering a safe, secure digital space and create a set of standards that can be used globally. The partnerships meet annually during the Digital Partnership Council led by Commissioner Breton on the EU side and the relevant Minister from each partner country to set the priorities for the coming year and share best practices, helping to create common goals.

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