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Implementation of the Public Sector Information Directive

The Commission has created a detailed list on how different countries have implemented the Public Sector Information (PSI) directive

How has each EU member state implemented the rules?

EU Member States have implemented the PSI Directive in different ways.

Some Member States have adopted specific PSI re-use measures:

3 Member States have used a combination of new measures specifically addressing re-use and legislation predating the Directive:

12 Member States have adapted their legislative framework for access to documents to include re-use of PSI:

Please see also the implementation of the PSI Directive in the UK and in EEA countries:

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Novim pravilima EU-a stavljaju se na raspolaganje visokovrijedni skupovi podataka za poticanje umjetne inteligencije i inovacija temeljenih na podacima

Od jučer su se počela primjenjivati nova pravila EU-a o stavljanju više javnih skupova podataka na raspolaganje za ponovnu uporabu. Ti takozvani „visokovrijedni skupovi podataka” sadržavaju informacije o šest tematskih područja utvrđenih u Direktivi o otvorenim podacima: geoprostorni podaci, promatranje Zemlje i okoliš, meteorološki podaci, statistički podaci, poduzeća i mobilnost.

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Open data

Freely and widely accessible open data is a valuable resource to fuel economic and societal value. The Directive on open data and the reuse of public sector information ensures government transparency and fair competition for stakeholders interested in reusing public sector data.