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History of eArchiving

History of eArchiving

The eArchiving initiative is based on the outcomes of the E-ARK project (2014 - 2017) and the eArchiving Building Block (2018-2021). The project, which involved a number of European national archives, e-government agencies, digital preservation software developers and research institutions, aimed to synthesise best-practices from across Europe and develop a core set of interoperability specifications for archival operations.

The project also updated a number of archival software components to meet the specifications, and carried out a number of operational pilots to verify the cross-border validity and interoperability of the specifications. After the successful conclusion of the E-ARK project in 2017, the European Commission included its outcomes into the CEF programme to become the basis of the eArchiving Building Block.

Within CEF the initial specifications and open-source software components were enriched with training, implementation guidance services, service desk etc..

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Big Picture

eArchiving Initiative

The eArchiving Initiative provides core specifications, software, training and knowledge to help people store information for longer.

See Also

eArchiving Conformant Solutions

Lists of archives, repositories, and digital preservation solutions that have demonstrated conformance according to the E-ARK specifications.

eArchiving Generic Services projects

The four projects that were funded under the CEF-TC-2020-2: eArchiving call released by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) under the Telecom Work Programme.

eArchiving Glossary

The eArchiving Glossary gives an overview about the main terms used in the context of the eArchiving initiative including the specifications and tools.

eArchiving - get involved

The eArchiving initiative counts on organisations and institutions to share knowledge and build the eArchiving community.

eArchiving - Conformance Seal

The eArchiving Conformance Seal is a sign of quality of digital archiving, long term preservation, and data management following standards and best practices.

eArchiving - Technical Specifications

In order to create and adapt your archive, or develop your own application, you can refer to our technical specifications to ensure it conforms with the eArchiving standards.

eArchiving - Solution Providers

Make sure your development of components or end-to-end solutions preserve data safely and in line with European standards, so your clients can trust your applications.