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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 22 July 2021

Horizon Europe call for proposals - Innovation for media

The European Commission has launched a call for proposals for innovation actions in the media sector, to stimulate interdisciplinary cooperation and build prototypes of advanced solutions for the creation, distribution and consumption of new immersive and innovative products for media.

EUR 26 million is available to finance at least two/three projects. Two types of projects can apply. Projects can focus on the creation of a VR Media Lab or on modular open-source tools/components/services that address technical, organisational, commercial and legal aspects of data management & usage in the media industry at large.

The first type of proposals should be about innovative tools or services that can help create, distribute and consume media content or products. A variety of projects can be considered, involving media organisations and other stakeholders (such as artists, designers, journalists and media professionals, filmmakers, game designers, programmers or academic researchers). The proposed tools or services should help them tap into the potential of data (such as audience or content metadata, audience data, copyright licensing data etc.) to reach new audiences and develop sustainable and strong business models..

It is recommended to foresee interoperability of tools and services to allow data sharing among the wider media sectors, and work towards a Media Data Space as foreseen in the Media and Audiovisual Action Plan.

New media formats and extended reality technologies for consumption in new environments (e.g. self-driving cars) should be considered as well.

At least one proposal will be funded for this type of action (maximum contribution of EUR 9 million per selected proposal). EU co-financing 70% (up to 100% for non-profit entities).

The second type of proposals should be about creating a VR Media Lab. The Lab will develop and prototype advanced solutions for the creation, distribution and consumption of new immersive VR/AR media products, and bring together skills from a variety of disciplines, including the creative sector. The VR Media Lab will provide support to third party projects in the form of grants (EUR 500,000 maximum). Third parties would focus on content for entertainment, culture and news, as well as virtual and augmented reality applications in other sectors, such as tourism and education.

Only one proposal will be funded for this second type of action (for a maximum contribution of EUR 8 million). EU co-financing 70% (up to 100% for non-profit entities).


For more information on this call, please see the call for proposals and the presentation given at the Horizon Europe info days.

If questions remain, use the form provided by the Research Enquiry Service (RES) helpdesk.