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Shaping Europe’s digital future

DSA: Making the online world safer

Find out how the DSA can make the online world safer and protect your fundamental rights.

Are you curious to know about how the EU protects you online? New rules introduced in the DSA will work to create a fairer and safer online world.

There are many ways to spend time and find information online, whether you are connecting with friends, browsing social media or like three-quarters of the EU population, doing some online shopping.

But, how confident are you of the sources you are buying from? Do you know why you are being recommended certain products? And what happens when our connections online turn sour, or if your content gets blocked on social media with no explanation?

These are all questions that the European Union is addressing to make sure the digital world is safe and fair for all of us.

Here are 5 key ways the new DSA will make the digital world a better place for you:

Protecting us from dangerous goods and illegal content


Currently, there is no consistent flagging system for when you see illegal content, goods or services online. The DSA will make it easier for you to report illegal content, such as hate speech, and goods such as counterfeit products by introducing mandatory user-friendly flagging systems.

Platforms will need to process alerts in a timely and diligent manner and keep you updated. You will also have clear information about whom you’re buying goods or services from online.

Helping us tackle cyber bullying



Cyber bullying and cyber violence are an increasing problem for children and adults alike. The DSA will introduce stronger protections for people targeted by online harassment and bullying. This includes making sure any non-consensual private images and other abusive, illegal content that are shared can be quickly flagged by users.

Limiting targeted advertising



Ever feel like your phone is listening to you? Or that a social media website knows you better than you know yourself?

The DSA will be able to help; it will introduce transparency around advertising, making sure it is clearly labelled, and information is available about who is placing the ad and why you are seeing it.

It also introduces a ban on certain types of advertising on online platforms, like advertising based on sensitive data categories including sexuality, religion or race, and a complete ban on targeted advertising of children based on their personal data.

Helping us to understand and challenge content moderation decisions




At the moment, if a platform decides to take down something you post, it is hard to contest that decision. The DSA will allow us to challenge platforms through an easy-to-use, free-of-charge complaint mechanism.

Simplifying terms and conditions



When a website or app asks us to read the terms and conditions, we are usually faced with a small print we have to endlessly scroll through, making it difficult to focus on what we are agreeing to – if we read it at all.

The DSA will ensure that very large online platforms (those with over 45 million users in the EU) provide concise and unambiguous summaries of their terms and conditions in the local EU language, so we all know what we are accepting.

Of course, this only lists a few of the many ways the DSA will improve our online lives. Explore our pages to find out more about how the DSA will create a safer and fairer online world.

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