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Report / Study | Publikacija

Survey on the contribution of ICT to the environmental sustainability of actions of EU enterprises

The Commission has published its first survey on the relationship between uptake of ICTs and the environmental attitudes and actions of companies.

Plants growing with a line representing progress above, ending in a lightbulb to represent green ICT

© iStock by Getty images — 1225375936 by Galeanu Mihai

The survey on the contribution of ICT to the environmental sustainability actions of EU businesses is the first of its kind. It endeavours to show how the choice of ICTs is influenced by business strategies and goals, including those related to the environment. It also gives an overview of actions businesses are taking to reduce their environmental impact.

The survey found that while business decisions were the most common reasons for businesses using ICTs, more than half of those surveyed stated a desire to reduce their environmental footprint as a reason for their use of particular ICTs. For example, 60% of those using collaborative stated an environmental sustainability as a motivation for their choice. Similarly, 55% of those using AI, and 58% of those using cloud computing cited environmental reasons.

The survey collected information about other ways companies have begun to reduce their environmental footprint: 77% of those have optimized processes to reduce their impact, while 64% have reduced their use of natural resources, and 59% have created guidelines to encourage environmentally conscious behaviours.

Finally, businesses reported concrete ways that ICTs have already helped them to reduce their environmental footprint. Many use ICTs to facilitate teleworking and reduce travel. And, businesses reported ICTs helped them to use fewer materials, equipment and consumables, produce less waste and use less energy.

You can download the reports and data below.



1. ICT and Sustainability — Executive summary (EN)
3. ICT and Sustainability — Final report — country profiles (EN)
4. ICT and Sustainability — Data — EU27