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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publikācija 23 -NOV- 2021

Investing in Local and Regional Gigabit Networks in the European Union

Save the date! A one-day digital infrastructure investor online workshop to bring together private and public actors from the industry and the investor community, EU Member States and Commission Services.

The Commission is organising a workshop in the context of an upcoming study.

The Commission launched a study entitled “Investing in local and regional gigabit broadband deployment – Opportunities and challenges for market investors in the European Union” (VIGIE No. 2020-723 under Framework Contract SMART 2019/0024, Lot 2), which is being prepared by a consortium of consultants led by CBO Consulting. 

The study aims at identifying, analysing and better understanding investment drivers for the deployment of local, regional, EU-wide and cross-border gigabit networks, specifically broadband fibre and 5G, from the point of view of both investors and project promoters. It should address opportunities, challenges and the key decision parameters for market investors in gigabit broadband deployment in the European Union, with or without public support.

Within the context of this study, a one-day digital infrastructure investor workshop is organized on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 (09:30am-17:00pm). The event is directed towards private and public investors on digital infrastructure: infrastructure funds (equity, debt), banks, institutional investors (pension funds, insurance companies...), NPBIs, project promoters, start-ups, telcos, fibrecos, towercos, satellite companies... National and regional public authorities supporting the development of digital infrastructure are also invited to attend.


Detailed Agenda

9.40 to 10.00 Presentation of the study framework. 10.00 to 11.00 Round-table on equity investment: Vauban IP, EQT, Macquarie MAC. Point of view of Skandia MutualLife insurance. 11.00 to 11.15 Morning break. 11.15 to 12.15 Round-table on project funding: Altitude Infra, CETIN, RuNe, Point of view of Grand Est Region (FR). 12.30 to 13.30 Lunch break. 13.30 to 14.30 Round-table on debt financing: Axa-IM, HCOB, EDRAM, Point of view of Société Générale-SGCIB. 14.30 to 15.30 Round-table on deep rural challenges: Deutsche Glasfaser, Open Fiber, Eutelsat, Point of view of Cellnex. 15.30 to 15.45 Afternoon break. 15.45 to 16.45 Study recommendations - Feedback and questions. 16.45 to 17.00 Closing remarks by DG Connect B5


Vauban IP: Gwenola Chambon (CEO)

EQT: Gleb Kozyritskiy (Managing Director)

Macquarie MacCap: Oliver Bradley (Managing Director)

Skandia MutualLife Insutance: Hans Fredrik Forssman (Senior Investment Manager Infrastructure)

Altitude Infrastructure: David Elfassy (President)

CETIN: Michal Frankl (Business Support Director)

RuNe: Goran Zivec (COO)

Grand Est Region: Frank Siegrist (Director for Digital Development)

Axa-IM: Bertrand Loubières (Head of Infrastructure Finance)

HCOB: Steffen Leiwesmeier (Head of Financing Digital Infrastructure)

EDRAM: Ada Cerne (Head of Digital Infrastructure)

SGCIB: Laurent Chabot (MD, Co-head Infrastructure Finance)

Deutsche Glasfaser: Christoph Sommerberg (Head of Public Affairs)

Open Fiber: Edoardo Fagiolini  (European Affairs specialist)

Eutelsat: Stefano Agnelli (Director of European Institutional Affairs)

Cellnex: Shoaib Patel (Head of Marketing Strategy)


See documents related to the workshop:

Introduction to the study
