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Signatories of the 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation

A broad range of actors have signed up to the 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice to fight disinformation by subscribing to commitments and measures relevant to their mission.

The 2022 Strengthened Code of Practice is signed by a broad range of actors, such as online platforms, players from the advertising ecosystem, fact-checkers, civil society, research, and other organisations, joining to fight disinformation by subscribing to commitments and measures relevant to their mission.

The 2022 Code of Practice is the result of the work carried out by the signatories. It is for the signatories to decide which commitments they sign up to and it is their responsibility to ensure the effectiveness of their commitments’ implementation. The Code is not endorsed by the Commission, while the Commission set out its expectations in the Guidance and considers that, as a whole, the Code fulfils these expectations.

The Signatories

Participation to the Strengthened Code of Practice has significantly broadened since 2018, with the possibility to welcome additional new signatories. The new Code joins diverse actors, including players from the advertising ecosystem, advertisers, ad-tech companies, fact-checkers, emerging or specialised platforms, civil society and third-party organisations with specific expertise on disinformation.

Each signatory signs the Code by filling in a subscription document subscribing to the commitments and measures relevant for its services.

You can consult the individual subscription documents below:

  1. ActiveFence
  2. Adobe
  3. AI Forensics
  4. Alliance4Europe
  5. Avaaz
  6. CEE Digital Democracy Watch
  7. Clubhouse
  8. Crisp
  9. Debunk EU
  10. Demagog
  11. Democracy Reporting International
  12. DoubleVerify
  13. DOT Europe
  14. Ebiquity
  15. European Factchecking Standards Network
  16. European Association of Communication Agencies (EACA)
  17. Faktograf
  18. FIDU (Italian Federation for Human Rights)
  19. Globsec
  20. Google
  21. IAB Europe (Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe)
  22. Kreativitet & Kommunikation
  23. Legitimate
  24. Les Surligneurs
  25. Logically
  27. Meta
  28. Microsoft
  29. Newsback
  30. Newtral
  31. NewsGuard
  32. PagellaPoltica
  33. Reporters without Borders (RSF)
  34. ScienceFeedback
  35. Seznam
  36. The Bright App
  37. The Daily Ledger
  38. The GARM Initiative
  39. The Global Disinformation Index
  40. TikTok
  41. Twitch
  42. Vimeo
  43. VOST Europe
  44. WhoTargetsMe
  45. World Federation of Advertisers (WFA)

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