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Shaping Europe’s digital future
Event report | Publication

Webinar on the Digital Maturity Assessment tool

A webinar was held on January 12th to present the final DMA Questionnaire and the accompanying user Manual. During this webinar a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of customers of the EDIHs was presented.

With the roll-out of Digital Europe programme, a new generation of European Digital Innovation Hubs will be funded to speed-up the digital transformation of SMEs, mid-caps and public sector organisations across the EU. With this in mind, the progress in digital maturity of each EDIH recipient will be measured through a new Digital Maturity Assessment tool (.pdf).  The use of the tool will be mandatory for EDIH in their interventions with SMEs in order to ensure proper comparability and aggregation of data at regional/national/EU level for the purpose of reporting requirements laid down by the Digital Europe Programme.

The session presented in detail the final questionnaire that will be implemented and informed participants on when and how it should be used.  The new DMA manual (.pdf) was also presented.

Agenda of the event:

  • A policy monitoring tool for EDIH community
  • DMA latest developments
  • DMA modules, dimensions and questions + Q&A
  • DMA evaluation criteria, results & indicators + Q&A
  • EDIHs and the Innovation Radar + Q&A
  • DMA & IR manual for EDIHs + Q&A
  • Final remarks

Presentation (.pdf) and Recording

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Webinar on the Digital Maturity Assessment tool

Event | 12 January 2022

A webinar will be held on January 12th from 10:00-12:00 CET to present the final DMA Questionnaire and the accompanying user Manual. During this webinar a methodology for assessing the digital maturity of customers of the EDIHs will be presented.