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COVID-19 disinformation monitoring programme

Signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation are carrying out a COVID-19 disinformation monitoring programme to keep people informed about the virus and vaccines.

The COVID-19 monitoring and reporting programme set out in the Joint Communication 'Tackling COVID-19 disinformation - Getting the facts right' is a transparency measure to ensure accountability towards the public of the efforts made by platforms and relevant industry associations to limit online disinformation related to Covid-19.

Platforms involved, who are signatories to the Code of Practice on Disinformation, regularly report on:

  • actions to increase visibility of authoritative sources such as the WHO and national health organisations;
  • tools to facilitate access to reliable information of public interest;
  • demoted and removed content containing false and/or misleading information likely to cause physical harm or impair public health policies;
  • prohibited advertising that exploits the crisis;
  • efforts to provide accurate information on vaccines.

In particular, platforms have been asked to provide information relating to the following areas:

  • initiatives to promote authoritative content at EU and at Member State level;
  • initiatives and tools to improve users’ awareness;
  • information on manipulative behaviour on their services;
  • data on flows of advertising linked to COVID-19 disinformation on their services and on third-party websites.

While platforms detected a high number of content including false information related to COVID-19, they did not detect coordinated disinformation operations with specific focus on COVID-19 run on their services.

Read the monthly reports

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The Commission is tackling the spread of online disinformation and misinformation to ensure the protection of European values and democratic systems.