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  • Publication 15 June 2023

Communication from the Commission: Implementation of the 5G cybersecurity Toolbox

The Commission has adopted a Communication on the implementation of the toolbox by Member States and in the EU's own corporate communications and funding activities.

The Commission takes note of and welcomes the adoption of the Second Progress report on the implementation of the EU Toolbox by the NIS Cooperation Group. 

In light of this report, the Commission is strongly concerned by the risks posed by certain suppliers of mobile network communication equipment to the security of the Union, as reflected also by decisions taken by some Member States. The NIS Report highlights the ‘clear risk of persisting dependency on high-risk suppliers in the internal market with potentially serious negative impacts on security for users and companies across the EU and the EU’s critical infrastructure’.

As mentioned in the NIS Progress Report and in an earlier report by the European Court of Auditors, it is evident that 5G suppliers exhibit clear differences in their characteristics, in particular as regards their likelihood of being influenced by specific third countries which have security laws and corporate governance that are a potential risk for the security of the Union. As also indicated in the NIS report, Huawei and ZTE have been subject to public decisions and advice in certain Member States, based on national security concerns, including assessments by those Member States’ intelligence services. 

In other Member States, decisions to restrict or exclude certain suppliers from their 5G networks have been made confidentially, based on their assessment. The findings of those Member States are similar to the analysis of the competent authorities of certain third countries. 

Due to these high risks, and based on an assessment of the criteria set out in the Toolbox for identifying ‘high-risk suppliers’, the Commission considers that decisions adopted by Member States to restrict or exclude Huawei and ZTE are justified and compliant with the 5G Toolbox. Without prejudice to the Member States’ competences as regards national security, the Commission has also applied the Toolbox criteria to assess the needs and vulnerabilities of its own corporate communications systems and those of the other European institutions, bodies and agencies, as well as the implementation of Union funding programmes in the light of the Union’s overall policy objectives. 

In this context, consistently with certain Member States’ application of the 5G Toolbox, the Commission considers, that Huawei and ZTE represent in fact materially higher risks than other 5G suppliers. 


Sdělení Komise: Provádění souboru opatření EU pro kybernetickou bezpečnost sítí 5G9
A Bizottság Közleménye: Az 5G kiberbiztonsággal kapcsolatos eszköztár végrehajtása
Communication de la Commission : Mise en œuvre de la boîte à outils sur la cybersécurité des réseaux 5G
Communication from the Commission: Implementation of the 5G cybersecurity Toolbox
Comunicación de la Comisión: Aplicación del conjunto de instrumentos de la UE para la seguridad de las redes 5G
Comunicare a Comisiei: Punerea în aplicare a setului de instrumente pentru securitatea cibernetică a rețelelor 5G
Comunicazione della Commissione: Attuazione del pacchetto di strumenti per la cibersicurezza del 5G
Comunicação da Comissão: Aplicação do conjunto de instrumentos para a cibersegurança das redes 5G
Komisijas Paziņojums: 5G kiberdrošības rīkkopas ieviešana
Komisijos Komunikatas: 5G kibernetinio saugumo priemonių rinkinio įgyvendinimas
Komisjoni Teatis: 5G küberturvalisuse meetmepaketi rakendamine
Komission Tiedonanto: 5G-kyberturvallisuusvälineistön täytäntöönpano
Komunikacija Komisije: Provedba paketa instrumenata za kibernetičku sigurnost 5G mreža
Komunikat Komisji: Wdrożenie zestawu narzędzi na potrzeby cyberbezpieczeństwa sieci 5G
Komunikazzjoni Tal-Kummissjoni: Implimentazzjoni tas-Sett ta’ Għodod dwar iċ-Ċibersigurtà tal-5G
Meddelande från Kommissionen: Genomförande av verktygslådan för 5G-cybersäkerhet
Meddelelse fra Kommissionen: Gennemførelse af værktøjskassen til 5G-cybersikkerhed
Mededeling van de Commissie: Uitvoering van de toolbox inzake 5G-cyberbeveiliging
Mitteilung der Kommission: Umsetzung des EU-Instrumentariums für die 5G-Cybersicherheit
Oznámenie Komisie: Vykonávanie súboru nástrojov pre kybernetickú bezpečnosť 5G
Sporočilo Komisije: Izvajanje nabora orodij za kibernetsko varnost omrežij 5G
Teachtaireacht Ón Gcoimisiún: Cur chun feidhme an bhosca uirlisí cibearshlándála 5G
Ανακοινωση Τησ Επιτροπhσ: Εφαρμογή της εργαλειοθήκης κυβερνοασφάλειας 5G
Съобщение На Комисията: Прилагане на инструментариума за киберсигурност на 5G технологиите

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