The National Broadband Plan 2021-2027 promotes the use of fixed very high capacity and 5G networks. The Greek Digital Transformation Bible 2020-2025 highlights connectivity as one of the five strategic axes and acknowledges the Gigabit Society 2025 targets.
Summary of broadband development in Greece
The National Broadband Plan 2021-2027 aims to promote the use of fixed very high capacity and 5G networks as catalysts and accelerators of the country’s digital transformation. The Digital Transformation Bible 2020-2025 was introduced by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. It outlines the strategy, the objectives, the strategic axes as well as actions that will lead the digital transformation in Greece. The connectivity axis acknowledges the Gigabit Society targets and lists the planned measures and actions.
National broadband strategy and policy
Responsible authorities
- The Ministry of Digital Governance (Υπουργείο Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης) is responsible for the planning and implementation of national broadband policy. The Ministry is also responsible for the provision of electronic services to citizens and the wider digital transformation of the country.
- The NRA Hellenic Telecommunications and Posts Commission (HTPC, Ελληνική Επιτροπή Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων) is responsible for the regulation and supervision of telecommunications and postal services. It provides an interactive map showing broadband availability and infrastructure.
Main aims for broadband development
The National Broadband Plan 2021-2027 has two main objectives: accelerate private investment by removing administrative barriers to create an investment-friendly environment and ensure the wide availability and adoption of very high capacity broadband services. The National Broadband Plan sets the following connectivity and penetration targets to be achieved by 2027:
- Gigabit connectivity for all major socio-economic drivers
- All buildings (urban or rural) have access to internet connectivity with a download speed of at least 100 Mbps, which can be upgraded to 1 Gbps
- 100% of the population living in organized communities (urban or rural) and all major land transport routes have uninterrupted 5G coverage with a download speed of at least 100 Mbps
- 50% of households to have internet connection (penetration) with download speed of at least 100 Mbps
The Digital Transformation Bible 2020-2025, introduced by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance in 2020, outlines the strategy, the guiding principles, the strategic axes, and the horizontal and vertical interventions that will lead to the digital transformation of the Greek society and economy. Through collaborations with stakeholders from the public and private sector, as well as with the research & academic community and the civil society, the strategy describes the objectives but also the implementation measures of the digital transformation strategy. The interventions and the actions of the strategy are an open and dynamic, and will continue to be co-formed and updated annually in cooperation with the competent bodies of public administration.
The strategy sets seven objectives:
- Offering a safe, fast, and reliable access to the Internet for all
- Offering better digital services to the citizens for all life events
- Developing digital skills for all citizens
- Facilitating the transformation to digital enterprise
- Supporting and strengthening digital innovation
- Making productive use of public administration data
- Incorporating digital technologies to all economic sectors
The key interventions of Digital Transformation incorporate a series of actions and projects organised in six strategic axes: Connectivity, Digital Skills, Digital State, Digital Business, Digital Innovation, Integration of Technology in every sector of the economy.
The Connectivity axis acknowledges the Gigabit Society objectives:
- Ensure Gigabit connectivity for all socio-economic drivers, such as educational institutions and government agencies
- Provide uninterrupted 5G coverage in all urban areas and all major land transport routes
- Provide internet access for all households with a minimum speed of 100 Mbps, with the ability to upgrade to 1 Gbps
The enhancement of mobile and fixed broadband and the achievement of ultra-high speed internet access are expected to lead to further development of the Greek digital economy. Fibre optic and 5G networks are the main challenges of the next decade. For this reason, the primary goal of the national broadband strategy is to encourage investment in next generation networks.
National broadband financial instruments and measures
So far, sixteen measures and actions are planned under the Connectivity axis of the Digital Transformation Bible 2020-2025. Five actions are already being implemented:
- Broadband Voucher (Superfast Broadband - SFBB)
- Development of Ultra-Fast Broadband Infrastructure (Ultra-Fast Broadband - UFBB)
- Development of broadband networks in "white" rural areas - Rural Broadband
- WiFi4GR - Development of public wireless broadband internet access points
- Granting of Radio Spectrum Use Rights in the 700 MHz, 2 GHz, 3400-3800 MHz and 26 GHz radio frequency bands
- Action Plan for the development of fifth generation (5G) networks (scheduled)
The Greek Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) commits EUR 7.1 billion (23.3%) to the digital transformation.
With the Broadband Map & Network Registry users have access to the broadband coverage across the territory and can submit comments on the quality of the services.
HYPERION, developed by the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (ΕΕΤΤ), intends to create transparency into the relation between providers and consumers of fixed broadband services and provides the consumer with information regarding the broadband services.
Data on broadband development and technologies in Greece
For the latest data on broadband coverage, subscriptions and penetrations, coverage of different broadband technologies check the country reports of the Digital Economy & Society Index (DESI).
Spectrum assignments for wireless broadband
For details on harmonised spectrum assignments, please consult the European 5G Observatory report.
National and EU publications and press documents
- Broadband Investment Handbook
- Mobile and Fixed Broadband Prices in Europe 2022
- Study on National Broadband Plans in the EU27
- Broadband Connectivity Reports and Analyses
Contact information
BCO Greece (national Broadband Competence Office): General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post, Ministry of Digital Governance
Address: 11 Fragkoudi Str. & Al. Pantou, Kallithea, 10163, Athens, Greece
Contact via email
Phone: +30 210 909 8890
Hellenic Telecommunications and Posts Commission
Address: 60 Kifissias Avenue 151 25 Maroussi Athens, Greece
Contact via email
Phone: +30 210 615 1000
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