This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Sweden, and the local points of contact.
Enforcement Body
Assistance to Consumer Bodies
The Swedish Consumer Agency (ECC-Net)
Konsument Europa/ Konsumentverket
Tage Erlandergatan 8A
Box 48
SE-651 02 Karlstad
Tel: +46(0)54-19 41 50
Measures applicable to infringements
- Lag (2019:59) med kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s geoblockeringsförordning
- Förordning (2019:60) med kompletterande bestämmelser till EU:s geoblockeringsförordning
Related Content
Big Picture
The Commission put an end to unjustified geo-blocking rules, which undermine online shopping and cross-border sales in the EU.
See Also
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Greece, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Estonia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Hungary, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Denmark, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in the Netherlands, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Latvia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Austria, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Belgium, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Bulgaria, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Cyprus, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in the Czech Republic, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Germany, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Finland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives the state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in France, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Croatia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Ireland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Italy, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Lithuania, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Luxembourg, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Malta, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Poland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Portugal, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Romania, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Slovenia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Slovakia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Spain, and the local points of contact.