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Implementation of Geo-blocking Regulation in Netherlands

This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in the Netherlands, and the local points of contact.

Enforcement Body 

Postbus 16326

2500 BH Den Haag

Postbus 11723

1001 GS Amsterdam

Assistance to Consumer Bodies

Postbus 487

3500 AL Utrecht


Measures applicable to infringements

Empowering of ACM and AFM

(Annex (a) of the Wet handhaving consumentenbescherming (Artikel I, onderdeel C, van de Wet van 6 februari 2019 tot wijziging van de Wet handhaving consumentenbescherming (implementatie verordening (EU) 2018/302) (Stb. 2019, 70) ) in conjunction with the articles 2.2 and 3.1, first paragraph, of the Wet handhaving consumentenbescherming)

•    Artikel 296 van Boek 3 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek + de artikelen 74 e.v. en 162 e.v. van Boek 6 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek


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Big Picture


The Commission put an end to unjustified geo-blocking rules, which undermine online shopping and cross-border sales in the EU.

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