This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Luxembourg, and the local points of contact.
h2>Enforcement Body
Assistance to Consumer Bodies
Measures applicable to infringements
Action for injunction in front of Commercial Courts
Sanction of 251 to 120,000€ in case of non-compliance with injunction
Loi du 26 Juin relative à certaines modalités d'application et à la sanction du règlement (UE) 2018/302 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 28 février 2018 visant à contrer le blocage géographique injustifié et d'autres formes de discrimination fondée sur la nationalité, le lieu de résidence ou le lieu d'établissement des clients dans le marché intérieur, et modifiant les règlements (CE) n° 2006/2004 et (UE) 2017/2394 et la directive 2009/22/CE, publièé dans Mémorial A - n°445 du 28 juin 2019.
Related Content
Big Picture
The Commission put an end to unjustified geo-blocking rules, which undermine online shopping and cross-border sales in the EU.
See Also
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Greece, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Estonia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Hungary, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Denmark, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in the Netherlands, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Latvia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Austria, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Belgium, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Bulgaria, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Cyprus, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in the Czech Republic, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Germany, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Finland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives the state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in France, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Croatia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Ireland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Italy, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Lithuania, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Malta, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Poland, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Portugal, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Romania, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Sweden, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Slovenia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Slovakia, and the local points of contact.
This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Spain, and the local points of contact.