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Implementation of Geo-blocking Regulation in Lithuania

This page gives state of play of the implementation of the Geo-blocking in Lithuania, and the local points of contact.

Enforcement Body 

  • For B2C: Valstybinė vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnyba (State Consumer Rights Protection Authority)


Tel.: +370 5 262 6751 - Fax.: +370 5 279 1466

Vilniaus str. 25

LT-01402 Vilnius - Lithuania

  • Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania)

Gedimino pr. 6, LT-01103 Vilnius Tel.: +370 800 50 500

Assistance to Consumer Bodies


Tel.: +370 52650368 - Fax: +370 52623123

Algirdo g. 31, Vilnius 03219 - Lithuania

Measures applicable to infringements

The State consumer rights protection authority is entitled to impose penalties (from 144 to 1448 Eur) for the infringement of the Geo-Blocking regulation.

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Big Picture


The Commission put an end to unjustified geo-blocking rules, which undermine online shopping and cross-border sales in the EU.

See Also