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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Investing in Cloud, Edge and the Internet of Things

The European Union’s Digital Decade policy programme sets our goals for the digital transformation, with 10,000 climate-neutral edge nodes as one target. This means cloud, edge and the Internet of Things have a big role to play.

Edge computing, in conjunction with IoT and cloud, presents Europe with a fresh opportunity to meet the demand for next-generation data processing infrastructures, to strengthen its data processing capabilities. As a result, Europe can increase its technological sovereignty. It also presents a new paradigm for data processing and intelligence, at the edge and even at device level. The processing needs to be closer to where the data is produced, to address latency, security, privacy, and environmental needs.

Taking into account the fast pace of developments in this area outside of the EU, research and innovation investments in cloud, edge and the Internet of Things are necessary for European Industry, and especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to deliver swift results.

Comparison table of distance and latency of edge/cloud

The overall objective of research and innovation in this combined area of cloud, edge and IoT is to establish the European supply and value chains in the cloud to edge to IoT continuum by integrating the relevant elements of computing, connectivity, IoT, AI, and cybersecurity, and by exploring new concepts for decentralised intelligence like swarm computing.

Cognitive Cloud-Edge-IoT technologies with enhanced performance, enabled by AI, will increase the European autonomy in the data economy required to support future hyper-distributed applications.

Most importantly, the overall objective of research and innovation in the Cloud-Edge-IoT computing continuum is to support a seamless and trustworthy integration of diverse computing and data environments, and to ensure digital autonomy for Europe in key technological and application sectors. The results from research and innovation projects will provide the technological base for other emerging domains, like the virtual worlds and the industrial metaverse.

Research projects in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

The European Commission is funding a range of projects in relation to cloud, edge and IoT. This includes projects still running under Horizon 2020, and projects funded under its successor, Horizon Europe.

table outlining timings of ongoing and future projects

Read about the projects

You can explore these projects and their use cases in the tabs below.


The following projects all began under Horizon 2020. They include projects on the next generation Internet of Things, cloud computing, and software technologies. Further information on these projects can be found on the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative's website. 

Next generation Internet of Things projects

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and applications have brought fundamental changes to all sectors of society and the economy. They constitute an essential element of the Next Generation Internet (NGI).

The challenge has been to leverage EU technological strength to develop the next generation of IoT devices and systems, which foster progress in enabling technologies such as 5G, cyber-security, distributed computing, artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality and tactile internet.

The aim of the EU-funded research and innovation projects in this area has been to develop and demonstrate novel IoT concepts and solutions to underpin the vision of NGI in order to better serve the end-user.

The 6 selected projects of this topic, iNGENIOUS, IntelloT, IoT-NGIN, VEDLIoT, ASSIST-IoT and TERMINET, started at the end of 2020 and will run until the third quarter of 2023. They received €48 million in EU funding. The application take-up of these projects has been multiplied by the open calls amounting to almost €4 million. This further nurtures the creation of the ecosystem, where SMEs and industry actors are progressively integrated.

The Next Generation Internet of Things projects have generated great amount of scientific output by defining new architectures, machine learning methods and hardware integration aspects while considering cybersecurity and data privacy aspects.

Furthermore, the pilot projects tested the technologies in a great variety of domains, including: energy, environment, buildings, transport, mobility, logistics, industry, agriculture, food supply, crisis disaster management, health, smart cities, and communities.

View the call for these projects

Use Case: Pedestrian Automatic Emergency Breaking

Diagram of automatic emergency breaking, with the car interacting with the intelligent crossing, which also interacts with traffic coordination/police

Horizon 2020: VEDLIoT project, EU contribution €8 million

The transport sector use case validates the deployment of pedestrian automatic emergency breaking. This system usesdata from IoT devices of the car, like cameras or sensors, and processes them onboard . The car communicates with the Intelligent Crossing, which processes the data and sends a control signal back to the car.

In case of potential collision, it would trigger the emergency braking system of the car. Different algorithms for urban and rural environments are still a challenge for future research, however the current achievements are already a great step forward to increasing pedestrian safety.

Use Case: Smart farming

a diagram of smart farming, with sensors in plants, agribots and drones, and weather stations, transmitting data to the device for the farmer to manage the crops

H2020 call project: TERMINET, EU contribution €8 million

Smart farming helps farmers to prevent damage to their crops. The system is based on data flows from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, like plant and livestock sensors, weather stations and farm facilities. Data from these devices is combined with periodically collected data, coming from drones and agribots.  

The data flows to a local edge computing centre, which, in the case of agriculture, is the farm.

Some of this information is transferred to the cloud i.e. an agricultural app. The real time and daily information of the farm coupled with the cloud intelligence enables farmers to make qualified decisions. This way they can curb the damage to their crops, increasing yields, and, in turn, their profits. The environment is also benefiting from smart farming, as pesticide dosing will be more precise and its overall volume reduced.

Cloud computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum projects

The challenge of research and innovation cloud computing projects is to develop comprehensive cloud solutions and testbeds, which combine various execution platforms for ubiquitous and seamless computing environments as a foundation for a complete computing continuum.

This requires novel solutions for federating infrastructures, programming applications and services, and composing dynamic workflows which can react in real-time to unpredictable data sizes, availability, locations and rates.

This will give application developers greater control over network, computing and data infrastructures and services. The end-user will also benefit from seamless access to continuous service environments.

The 5 selected projects PHYSICS, DATACLOUD, CHARITY , SERRANO and AI-SPRINT of this topic started at the beginning of 2021 and will run until the beginning of 2024. They received €19.4 million in EU funding.

Research and innovation in cloud computing has improved innovation in the field of cloud computing in Europe by creating new business models and increasing competitiveness of European industry, especially SMEs.

Research results have provided key technological building blocks for establishing an interoperable, open, secure and resource-efficient European Cloud infrastructure. The European industry has been empowered with novel tools and services to establish an alternative cloud offer, which allows European data to be stored and processed securely in Europe, according to European rules and values.

The European Cloud Federation will avoid market concentration around a few non-European players, which raises concerns for users over their ability to maintain the control over their data, and creates the risk of vendor lock-in.

View the call for these projects.

Software technologies projects

The increased complexity of present and emerging ICT systems poses several challenges at software and hardware level. This includes new requirements in terms of integration and cybersecurity. Users require seamless connectivity, abundant computing power and unlimited access to data, independently of the underlying infrastructure.

Therefore, we need to find new ways of managing this unprecedented complexity in software systems: from requirements analysis and design to development and testing, to deployment and operations across highly heterogeneous and dynamically self-reconfiguring systems.

The 7 selected projects of this topic COSMOS, ELEGANT, FOCETA, PIACERE,, VeriDevOps and XANDAR started at the end of 2020 and will run until the fourth quarter of 2023. They received €30 million in EU funding.

Investments in software engineering impact the whole ICT domain because software is everywhere. All ICT technologies leverage software engineering tools. In particular, results from projects researching software technologies are impacting the way in which complex software systems are being developed such as cyber physical systems, safety critical systems, or services to be deployed on the cloud continuum.

The use and integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques in various phases of the software development and operation lifecycle, and the creation of novel toolchains embracing and extending the DevOps philosophy, have increased the efficiency and productivity of development teams. This is especially the case in SMEs.

In addition to the impact attained by the research and innovation project, SWForum has contributed with a research roadmap and policy recommendations in the domain of software engineering and open source.

The research efforts of the current H2020 projects in this area were reinforced by the coordination and support actions OPEN DEI , EU-IoT, SWForum and Hub4Cloud.

View the call for these projects



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