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Shaping Europe’s digital future
  • Publication 23 September 2021

Audiovisual media: Commission calls on Member States to fully transpose EU rules on audiovisual content

The European Commission has sent this week a reasoned opinion to Czechia, Estonia, Ireland, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Slovenia and Slovakia for failing to provide information about the implementation of the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) into their national laws. The new rules apply on all audiovisual media, both traditional TV broadcasts and on-demand services, as well as video-sharing platforms. They aim to create a regulatory framework fit for the digital age, leading to a safer, fairer and more diverse audiovisual landscape.

graphic showing a person with a remote control pointing to a tv set showing different windows

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Member States had until 19 September 2020 to transpose the Directive and communicate their transposition measures to the Commission. In November 2020, the Commission sent letters of formal notice to 23 Member States for not having notified full transposition. The Commission is now taking the second step in the infringement procedure by sending a reasoned opinion to the afore-mentioned nine Member States that have still not notified full transposition. They now have two months to reply to the Commission, or the Commission may decide to refer their cases to the Court of Justice of the European Union.