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Destination Earth

Destination Earth (DestinE), a European Commission flagship initiative to support the green transformation.

The Destination Earth (DestinE) is a flagship initiative of the European Commission to develop a highly accurate digital model of the Earth on a global scale. This model will monitor, simulate and predict the interaction between natural phenomena and human activities. It will contribute to achieving the objectives of the twin transition, green and digital, as part of the European Commission’s Green Deal and Digital Strategy.


DestinE will unlock the potential of digital modelling of the Earth system at a level that represents a real breakthrough in terms of accuracy, local detail, access-to-information, speed and interactivity. The initial focus will be on the effects of climate change and extreme weather events, their socio-economic impact and possible adaptation and mitigation strategies.



DestinE will use unprecedented observation and simulation capabilities of DestinE, powered by Europe’s HPC computers and AI capacity. Thanks to this we will be better prepared to respond to major natural disasters, test pathways for adapting to climate change and predict their socioeconomic impact. The initiative also represents a key component of the European strategy for data by consolidating access to valuable sources of data across Europe.

Users of DestinE, including non-scientific experts, will be able to access and interact with vast amounts of Earth system and socio-economic data in order to:

  • Perform highly accurate, interactive and dynamic simulations of the Earth system, informed by rich observational datasets. For example, focusing on thematic domains of societal relevance such as the regional impacts of climate change, natural hazards, marine ecosystems or urban spaces.
  • Improve prediction capabilities to maximise impact. For example to protect biodiversity, manage water, renewable energy or food resources, and to mitigate disaster risks in a changing world.
  • Support EU policy-making and implementation. For example, to assess the impact of existing environmental policies and legislative measures and support future evidence-based policy-making.
  • Exploit the potential of distributed and high-performance computing (HPC) and data handling at extreme scale. For example through an interactive platform that will host complex digital twins and comprehensive toolkits to develop and operate analytics-based models, with full access to vast amounts of diverse data.

Furthermore, Europe’s industrial and technological capabilities will be strengthened through the simulation and observation of the entire Earth system and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for data analytics and predictive modelling, among other means.

Latest News

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