The European Commission works to overcome the barriers limiting the reuse of public sector information through non-legislative measures.
In addition to EU legislation, the Commission:
- engages with experts from EU countries in the Public Sector Information expert group (PSI Group);
- funds an Open Data incubator assisting small and medium-sized entreprises in building sustainable business ideas on the basis of Open Data;
- funded the Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information (LAPSI) — thematic network of lawyers specialising on PSI re-use, including academics and practitioners;
- commissioned studies on the following issues:
- Presence of exclusive agreements in EU countries;
- Studies on the economic potential of PSI re-use.
- developed an Open Data Portal for its own documents and a pan-European digital service infrastructure aggregating content of existing open data portals inside the EU;
- contributed to the G8 process on opening up government information, also for re-use, leading to the adoption of a G8 Open Data Charter.
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Freely and widely accessible open data is a valuable resource to fuel economic and societal value. The Directive on open data and the reuse of public sector information ensures government transparency and fair competition for stakeholders interested in reusing public sector data.