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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Euroopa plokiahela partnerlus

The European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) is an initiative to develop an EU strategy on blockchain and build a blockchain infrastructure for public services.

A technological and regulatory sandbox

The European Blockchain Partnership’s main focus has been building the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI).

The European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) helps avoid fragmentation of the blockchain landscape by fostering close collaboration between EU countries. The Partnership supports interoperability and the broad deployment of blockchain-based services. It offers a regulatory-compliant environment in full compliance with EU laws and with clear governance structures and models to help blockchain grow and flourish all across Europe.

By using blockchain themselves, European policy makers gain first-hand knowledge of how the technology works, where it can best be applied, and what its potential and risks are.  The EBP serves as both a technological and regulatory sandbox, hopefully leading to better, more informed regulation on the technological and use case front.

Better public services for all Europeans

As the EBSI comes online, it will contribute to more efficient and more accessible cross-border government services in Europe. As described at the time of the announcement by Mariya Gabriel, the then Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society:

In the future, all public services will use blockchain technology. Blockchain is a great opportunity for Europe and Member States to rethink their information systems, to promote user trust and the protection of personal data, to help create new business opportunities and to establish new areas of leadership, benefiting citizens, public services and companies.

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Plokiahela strateegia

EL soovib olla juhtpositsioonil plokiahela tehnoloogias, saades plokiahela uuendajaks ning koduks olulistele platvormidele, rakendustele ja ettevõtetele.

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Plokiahela standardid

Euroopa Komisjon osaleb aktiivselt plokiahela standardite kogukonnas, kaasates ja tehes tihedat koostööd kõigi asjaomaste organitega kogu maailmas.