To unlock the transformative power of quantum, the EU needs to develop a fully-fledged European quantum ecosystem that builds on its tradition of excellence in quantum research.
© European Commission
What is quantum
In the next few years, quantum technologies will make it possible to do things that simply cannot be done today. With quantum, we will be able to look far beneath the ground or under the sea and perform complex computational tasks, like modelling biomolecular and chemical reactions, that the most powerful supercomputers cannot currently manage. Quantum will help us send sensitive information safely to anywhere, and diagnose diseases more quickly and accurately by looking inside cells.
In the first quantum revolution during the early twentieth century, scientists learned to understand and apply the properties of quantum mechanics – the interactions of molecules, atoms, and even smaller particles like photons and electrons. This ultimately allowed them to create transistors, lasers and microprocessors: foundational technologies for computers, telecommunications, satellite navigation, smartphones, modern medical diagnostics, and much more.
Now, the second quantum revolution is underway. Researchers can detect and manipulate individual particles and their physical properties and interactions, and build new technologies and systems that make use of the properties of the underlying quantum mechanics. These developments have led to major technical advances in many different areas, including quantum computing, sensors, simulations, cryptography and telecommunications.
A whole generation of new technologies with the potential for far-reaching economic and societal impact is starting to emerge in the main quantum application domains: quantum computing and simulation, quantum communication, and quantum sensing and metrology. Some are already in development, while many others will be developed in the coming years. The potential of quantum is huge, and all major world regions are investing heavily in this highly strategic field. The EU’s Digital Decade strategy therefore aims for Europe to have its first supercomputer with quantum acceleration by 2025, paving the way to being at the cutting edge of quantum capabilities by 2030. The European Chips Act also includes measures to foster the low-cost, high-volume manufacturing of quantum chips in the EU, so that they can power a whole range of innovative quantum devices.
On 5 December 2023, the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU launched a declaration that EU Member States are signing to indicate that they recognise the strategic importance of quantum technologies for the scientific and industrial competitiveness of the EU and commit to collaborating on the development of a world-class quantum technology ecosystem across Europe, with the ultimate aim of making Europe the ‘quantum valley’ of the world, the leading region globally for quantum excellence and innovation.
The Quantum Technologies Flagship
Europe has a long tradition of excellence in quantum research. It is now crucial to develop a solid industrial base that builds on this tradition. Without coordinated research and funding efforts at European level, Europe would risk falling behind its global competitors.
To meet this challenge, the Quantum Technologies Flagship was launched in 2018. It is a large-scale, long-term research initiative with a budget of €1 billion funded by the EU that brings together research institutions, industry and public funders, consolidating and expanding European scientific leadership and excellence in this field.
Quantum computing
As part of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), the Commission is now planning to build state-of-the-art pilot quantum computers. These computers will act as accelerators interconnected with the Joint Undertaking’s supercomputers, forming 'hybrid' machines that blend the best of quantum and classical computing technologies.
In October 2022, the EuroHPC JU announced the selection of six sites across the EU to host the first European quantum computers, which will be integrated into EuroHPC supercomputers. These newly acquired quantum computers will be based on purely state-of-the-art European technology and will be located at sites in Czechia, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, and Poland. The investment totals €100 million, with 50% coming from the EU and 50% from 17 of the EuroHPC JU participating countries.
This will be the first step towards the deployment of a European quantum computing infrastructure, which will be accessible to European users from science and industry via the cloud on a non-commercial basis. This infrastructure will be dedicated to accelerating the creation of new knowledge and solutions to global societal challenges. Thanks to its massive computing capacity, it will address complex simulation and optimisation problems, especially in materials development, drug discovery, weather forecasting, transportation and other real-world problems of high importance to industry and society.
The European Quantum Communication Infrastructure (EuroQCI) Initiative
Since June 2019, all 27 EU Member States have signed the EuroQCI Declaration, agreeing to work together, with the Commission and with the support of the European Space Agency, towards the development of a quantum communication infrastructure covering the whole EU (EuroQCI).
Quantum sensing
In several fields, quantum sensors are already able to offer greatly improved performance and accuracy compared with their classical equivalents. The Commission is investing in pan-European quantum sensing infrastructures that will link these sensors and harness their potential, including a network of quantum gravimeters, both fixed and mounted on moving carriers like drones or ships, that will monitor underground and underwater resources and volcanic activity, carry out Earth observation tasks, and more. This network will be connected to a planned European space gravimetry infrastructure, enabling even more precise measurements to be made with the support of space-based technologies.
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The EuroQCI will be a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the whole EU, including its overseas territories.
The Quantum Technologies Flagship is a long-term research and innovation initiative that aims to put Europe at the forefront of the second quantum revolution.