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EU trust mark

The EU trust mark tells users that they can trust a certain service online to carry out their online transactions in a safe, convenient and secure way.

The EU trust mark gives the assurance that the providers of electronic trust services and the trust services offered by them are qualified and comply with the rules set out in the eIDAS Regulation. This ensures a high quality of trust services which is regulated throughout the EU.

All trust service providers who have received the qualified status in line with the eIDAS Regulation can use the EU trust mark to indicate in a simple, recognisable and clear manner the qualified trust services they provide.

The design of the EU trust mark logo was selected based on a competition organised by Commission for students of art and design from the Member States. The trust mark had to be simple, original and clever, and convey a sense of trust and reassurance. The final logo was chosen by combination of a jury and public votes and selected as the new EU trust mark by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/806 of 22 May 2015.

The rules for the use of the logo, as well as the specifications relating to the form of the EU trust mark for qualified trust services are set in the eIDAS Regulation and the above mentioned Implementing Regulation.

You can download the EU trust mark logo and choose your preferred format.

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Trust Services

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