Digital Services Coordinators help the Commission to monitor and enforce obligations in the Digital Services Act (DSA).
The Commission and the national Digital Service Coordinators (DSCs) are responsible for supervising, enforcing and monitoring the DSA.
Each Member State has to designate and empower a Digital Services Coordinator (DSC), who is responsible for all matters relating to the application and enforcement of the DSA in that country.
On 24 April, the European Commission decided to open infringement procedures by sending letters of formal notice to 6 Member States where significant delays in the designation and or empowerment of their Digital Services Coordinators had to be expected. At that time, Estonia, Poland, and Slovakia still had to designate their Digital Services Coordinators.
In addition, despite designating their Digital Services Coordinators, Cyprus, Czechia and Portugal still have to empower them with the necessary powers and competences to carry out their tasks, including the imposition of sanctions in cases of non-compliance. In the meantime, Estonia and Slovakia have formally designated and empowered their Digital Services Coordinators.
On 25 July, the European Commission decided to open infringement procedures by sending letters of formal notice to 6 additional Member States, namely Belgium, Spain, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden for similar delays. Belgium still has to designate its Digital Services Coordinator. In addition, despite designating their Digital Services Coordinators, Spain, Croatia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden still have to empower them with the necessary powers and competences to carry out their tasks, including the imposition of sanctions in cases of non-compliance.
On 16 December, the European Commission decided to open further infringement procedures, by sending a letter of formal notice to Bulgaria, which still needs to empower the nominated DSC to carry out its tasks. Furthermore, the Commission also sent a reasoned opinion to several Member States. Belgium and Poland failed to designate and empower their DSCs, while Spain and the Netherlands failed to lay down rules of penalties.
When deciding on the next steps, the Commission will take into account the relevant national developments and the communication by Member States of the designation and empowerment of their Digital Services Coordinators.
Find your Digital Services Coordinator
Kommunikationsbehörde Austria | Austria Communications Authority |
Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni | Authority for Communications Guarantees |
Institut belge des services postaux et des télécommunications / Belgisch Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie / Belgisches Institut für Postdienste und Telekommunikation | Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications |
Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centrs | Consumer Rights Protection Centre |
Комисия за регулиране на съобщенията | Communications Regulation Commission |
Lietuvos Respublikos ryšių reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT) | Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT) |
Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrežne djelatnosti (HAKOM) | Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) |
Autorité de la concurrence | Competition Authority |
ΑΡΧΗ ΡΑΔΙΟΤΗΛΕΟΡΑΣΗΣ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ | Cyprus Radiotelevision Authority |
Malta Communications Authority (MCA) | Malta Communications Authority (MCA) |
Český telekomunikační úřad | Czech Telecommunication Office |
Autoriteit Consument en Markt | Authority for Consumers and Markets |
Digitaliseringsstyrelsen | Agency for Digital Government |
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Tarbijakaitse ja Tehnilise Järelevalve Amet (TTJA) | Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority (CPTRA) |
Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) | National Communications Authority (ANACOM) |
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom | Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (TRAFICOM)
Autoritatea Naţională pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii (ANCOM) | National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) |
Autorité de régulation de la communication audiovisuelle et numérique (Arcom) | Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication (Arcom) |
Rada pre mediálne služby | Council for Media Services |
Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (BNetzA) | Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railways (BNetzA) |
Agencija za komunikacijska omrežja in storitve Republike Slovenije (AKOS) | Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) |
Εθνική Επιτροπή Τηλεπικοινωνιών και Ταχυδρομείων (EETT) | Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) |
Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia | National Commission for Markets and Competition |
Nemzeti Média és Hírközlési Hatóság | National Media and Infocommunications Authority |
Post- och telestyrelsen | Post and Telecom Authority
Coimisiún na Meán | Media Commission |
The DCSs are, in principle, competent to supervise and enforce compliance with the DSA by providers of intermediary services established in their territory, regardless of their number of users.
While the Commission enjoys exclusive competence to supervise, enforce and monitor compliance by Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs) and Very Large Online Search Engines (VLOSEs) with the enhanced due diligence obligations the DSA imposes upon them to address systemic risks, the Commission and the national authorities share competence for all other obligations imposed on VLOPs and VLOSEs under the DSA.
Member States may assign specific tasks to other competent authorities, but the Digital Service Coordinator (DSC) remains responsible for ensuring coordination at national level.
Together, the Digital Services Coordinators ensure that the DSA is properly enforced throughout the EU. They cooperate with each other, other national authorities, the Board and the Commission.
DSCs have the power to request access to data, order inspections and impose fines on providers of intermediary services in their territory in the event of an infringement. They are also responsible for certifying “trusted flaggers”, independent organisations who are experts in detecting, identifying and removing illegal content, and out-of-court dispute settlement bodies.
For monitoring the due diligence obligations of very large online platforms and search engines, the Commission enjoys exclusive competence.
When to contact a Digital Services Coordinator
Complaints by individuals are going to be an essential contribution to an effective enforcement of the DSA.
For this purpose, if while navigating on a platform you encounter an infringement of the DSA rules, you have the right to lodge a complaint alleging to the Digital Services Coordinator of the Member State where you are located or established.
Trusted Flaggers
The Digital Services Coordinators are responsible for awarding the status of “trusted flaggers” to entities based in their Member State.
Trusted flaggers are, for example, civil society organisations with particular expertise and competence in detecting, identifying, and notifying illegal content.
They should be independent from online platforms. Online platforms must ensure that notices submitted by trusted flaggers are given priority and are processed timely.
Out-of-court settlement bodies
The Digital Services Coordinators are also responsible for certifying out-of-court settlement bodies. To appeal a decision from a provider of online platforms, users can now choose to refer to an out-of-court dispute settlement, without prejudging the possibility to initiate, at any stage, judicial proceedings.
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