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1+Million Genomes Initiative: new Roadmap is adopted for the scale-up and sustainability phase

This week, the 1+Million Genomes (1+MG) Initiative marked a new milestone towards the objective of enabling secure access to genomic data across borders to advance research and personalised care in Europe.

1+Million Genomes Initiative: new Roadmap is adopted for the scale-up and sustainability phase

European Commission

The 1+MG Special Group of Member States representatives in Barcelona (Spain) have adopted a new Roadmap detailing the activities in the scale-up and sustainability phase of the Initiative in the years 2023-2027.

The Initiative will now focus on establishing a European federated, sustainable and secure data infrastructure to access genomic and related health data across Europe. By 2024, at least six EU countries will have implemented common specifications and will be able to manage genomic data access. By 2026, 15 countries will have an operational infrastructure in place.    This is supported by the Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project, co-funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe programme (20 MIO EUR co-funding).

Furthermore, the 1+MG Initiative also launched the 1+MG Framework website, bringing together the recommendations, guidelines and best practices of European Union experts to realise the Initiative’s ambition for secure access to genomics and health data across Europe


The '1+ Million Genomes' (1+MG) initiative aims to enable secure access to genomics and the corresponding clinical data across Europe for better research, personalised healthcare and health policy making. Since the Digital Day 2018, 25 EU Member States, the UK and Norway signed a Declaration on stepping up efforts towards creating a European data infrastructure for genomic data and implementing common national rules enabling federated data access. The initiative forms part of the EU’s agenda for the Digital Transformation of Health and Care and is aligned with the goals of the European Health Data Space for the safe and secure sharing of health data across borders. 

Developed by the EU-funded Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) project, the framework stands as a reference for implementing genomics initiatives at regional, national, European and global level.

More details in the press release of the European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project


1+MG Roadmap 2023-2027
1+MG Roadmap 2023-2027 Executive Summary