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Report on the availability of copyright protected works for persons with disabilities

The Commission has published a report on the availability of copyright protected works in accessible formats for persons with disabilities, beyond the “Marrakesh” Directive 2017/1564.

The "Marrakesh" Directive introduced a copyright exception in order to increase the availability of written works in accessible formats for the benefit of persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print-disabled. The report stems from Article 9 of this Directive, which requires the Commission to assess the availability of works in accessible formats which are outside its scope (e.g images, films and other audiovisual content, videogames, phonograms, sculptures) and, if need be, to propose changes to extend the scope of application of the "Marrakesh" Directive accordingly.

To prepare the Staff Working Document, the Commission ran a targeted consultation to gather evidence from stakeholders (see Factual Summary Report). In addition, the Commission received input from Member States in line with Article 10(2) of the Directive.

The Staff Working Document has been submitted to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee.

As next step, as required by Article 10 of the Directive, the Commission will carry out an evaluation of the “Marrakesh” Directive with a view to issue a report by 11 October 2023. The report shall take into account the views of relevant civil society actors and of non-governmental organisations, including organisations representing persons with disabilities and those representing older persons.


Staff Working Document: Report on the availability of certain copyright protected works for persons with disabilities within the internal market