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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Media literacy

Media literacy has never been as important as it is today. It enables citizens of all ages to navigate the modern news environment and take informed decisions.

Media literacy concerns different media and distribution methods. It is a crucial skill for all citizens regardless of age, as it empowers them and raises their awareness. It also helps to counter the effects of disinformation campaigns and fake news spreading through digital media.

The recently revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) strengthens the role of media literacy. It requires Member States to promote measures that develop media literacy skills (Article 33a). A first set of national reports covering the period 2020-2022 is now available.

The revised AVMSD also obliges video-sharing platforms to provide effective media literacy measures and tools. This is a crucial requirement due to the central role such platforms play in giving access to audiovisual content. Platforms are also required to raise users’ awareness of these measures and tools (Article 28b).

Expert Group

The European Commission brings media literacy stakeholders together in a Media literacy expert group. This group meets annually to:

  • identify, document and extend good practices in the field of media literacy;
  • facilitate networking between different stakeholders;
  • explore ways of coordinating EU policies, support programmes and media literacy initiatives.

European Media Literacy Week

A high level of media literacy is a key factor in enabling citizens to make informed decisions in the digital age. Media literacy is a pre-requisite for a vibrant, modern democracy. The European Media Literacy Week is an initiative by the European Commission to promote media literacy skills and projects across the EU. Media literacy stakeholders at national level are encouraged to organise their own events during or around this week, to celebrate and discuss media literacy. 

The inaugural European Media Literacy Week took place in 2019. 

See the event repository.

European Media Literacy Awards

As part of its European Media Literacy Week, the European Commission opened a call for applications from inspiring and impactful projects in the field of media literacy. The best applicants will be invited to Brussels to compete for three awards at the high-level conference of the European Media Literacy Week.

See the results of the Media Literacy Awards

Latest News

National reports on media literacy measures under the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2020-2022

Member States have reported on national measures to promote and develop media literacy skills.

Mechanisms that Shape Social Media and their Impact on Society - Report on the State-of-the-Art in Research

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Multimedia Actions

The EU's multimedia actions aim to strengthen news reporting on EU affairs from European perspectives.

Tackling online disinformation

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