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Shaping Europe’s digital future

The European Commission is adapting EU copyright rules to new consumer behaviours in a Europe which values its cultural diversity.

Digital technologies have radically changed the way creative content is produced, distributed and accessed. Copyright ensures that authors, composers, artists, film makers and other creators receive recognition, payment and protection for their works. It rewards creativity and stimulates investment in the creative sector. Thirty-three sectors of the EU economy are considered copyright-intensive, accounting directly for over 7 million jobs, or 3% of employment in the EU.

What are copyright and related rights?

These are rights granted to authors (copyright or authors' rights) and performers, producers and broadcasters (related rights). They include:

  • Economic rights that enable rightholders to control the use of their works and other protected material and be remunerated for their use. They normally take the form of exclusive rights, notably to authorise or prohibit the making and distribution of copies as well as communication to the public. Economic rights and their terms of protection are harmonised at EU level. 
  • Moral rights include the right to claim authorship of the work and the right to object to any derogatory action in relation to the work. They are not harmonised at EU level.

Licensing is the main mechanism for the exercise of copyright and related rights. Depending on the relevant right, the type of use and the sector, licences are most often granted directly by the rightholder or collective management organisations. The EU has recently adopted legislation to improve the functioning of collective management organisations including through facilitating the provision of multi-territorial licences.

Exceptions to these rights

Copyright systems balance the recognition of exclusive rights in order to facilitate the use of protected content in specific circumstances. The EU copyright rules set out an exhaustive list of exceptions to rights across various copyright directives.

Exceptions allow beneficiaries to use protected material without authorisation from the rightholders. Enforcement of procedures and remedies against infringements of copyright have been partly harmonised at EU level.

The EU's role

EU actions have led to more harmonised protection of rightholders, lower transaction costs and greater choice for users of content, notably through:

  • European regulatory framework for copyright and related rights;
  • the promotion of inclusive and dynamic stakeholders dialogues on copyright and related issues, to seek views, concrete experience and contributions from all interested parties;
  • a leading role in international negotiations and discussions on copyright and related issues.

Steps have already been taken to facilitate the digitisation and dissemination of cultural heritage in the Orphan Works Directive. The management and licensing of rights are covered in the Collective Rights Management Directive and Licenses for Europe stakeholder dialogue.

Two international treaties in the area of Copyright, the 2012 Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances and the 2013 Marrakesh Treaty on visually impaired persons have been adopted in the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). 

Viimased uudised

ELi üldkasutatavate ja litsentsitud teoste hoidla

See on projektikonkurss ELi meetmetoetuse saamiseks autoriõiguse valdkonnas, mille eelarve on 700 k eurot. Katseprojekti eesmärk on hinnata ELi üldkasutatavate ja litsentsitud teoste hoidla loomise teostatavust ja võimalikku kasu ning töötada välja prototüüp.

Seotud sisu


Komisjon toetab audiovisuaal- ja meediasektori digiüleminekut ja konkurentsivõimet, et soodustada juurdepääsu kvaliteetsele sisule ja meedia mitmekesisust.

Mine süvitsi

  • ELi autoriõiguse seadus koosneb 13 direktiivist ja kahest määrusest, millega ühtlustatakse autorite, esitajate, tootjate ja ringhäälinguorganisatsioonide põhiõigused.

  • Euroopa Liidu andmebaasid on ELi õiguse alusel kaitstud. Andmebaaside õiguskaitse direktiiv võeti vastu 1996. aastal ja seda hinnati 2018. aastal.