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Shaping Europe’s digital future

Broadband in Malta

Malta’s broadband policy is technology-neutral and favours a competitive market environment.

Summary of broadband development in Malta

The Malta Diġitali 2022-2027 focuses on the transformation that is required through the digital aspect, aiming at a better society and a thriving economy.

National broadband strategy and policy

Responsible authorities

  • The field of broadband development falls under the responsibility of the Office of the Prime Minister.
  • The Malta Information Technology Agency is the central driver of information and communication technology policy, programmes and initiatives within Government.
  • The national regulatory authority for electronic communications and spectrum management is the Malta Communications Authority (MCA). Through its Information Society arm, the MCA is implementing a number of demand stimulation measures aimed to increase take-up of superfast broadband services.

Main aims for broadband development

The Malta Diġitali 2022-2027 builds on the progress in the realisation of Malta’s preceding Digital Malta Strategy 2014-2020. The vision is to establish digital as the key driving force for the transformation required to:

  • Make the lives of Maltese citizens better, enable businesses to thrive, and make government services more accessible.
  • Achieve economic growth through innovation and further strategic focus on specific societal and economic areas of importance.

Digital dimension is regarded as the driving force for transformation leading to a better society and a thriving economy. One of the Strategy’s high-level goals is to prioritise investments in technical and infrastructural digital capabilities. The regulation and legislation, infrastructure and funding are considered as generic strategic enablers for the digital transformation. One of the planned actions is to support continued investment in local and international digital connectivity, provide broader access to the internet, and strengthen the resilience of Malta’s national infrastructure.Malta Diġitali relies on a market driven approach which seems feasible considering the high population density.

The Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) published its MITA Digital Strategy 2021-2023. The strategy aims to, among others strengthen core services and connectivity in terms of resilience, security and redundancy.

Malta issued a National Roadmap for the UHF band between 470 –790 MHz in 2018 as well as a discussion paper and survey 5G Demand and Future Business Models. Towards a Feasible 5G Deployment in 2019, with references to Gigabit Society 5G targets.

Malta’s Recovery and Resilience Plan foresees EUR 67.6 million (26%) to the digital transformation. A large part thereof is expected to contribute to the Digital Decade targets. Yet none of the RRP measures is dedicated to digital infrastructure targets.

Data on broadband development and technologies in Malta

For the latest data on broadband coverage, subscriptions and penetrations, coverage of different broadband technologies and costs check the scoreboard reports and the country reports of the Digital Economy & Society Index (DESI).

Spectrum assignments for wireless broadband

For details on harmonised spectrum assignments consult the European 5G Observatory.

National and EU publications and press documents


Contact information

BCO Malta (national Broadband Competence Office): Malta Communications Authority

Address: Valletta Waterfront, Pinto Wharf, Floriana, FRN 1913, Malta
Contact via email
Phone: +35 6 9943 4552

Office of the Prime Minister, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation

Address: Auberge de Castille, Valletta VLT 1061, Malta
Contact via email
Phone: +356 2200 1467

Malta Information Technology Agency

Address: Gattard House, National Road, Blata l-Bajda HMR 9010, Malta
Contact via email
Phone: +35 621 23 47 10

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Digital Decade 2024: Broadband Coverage in Europe 2023

The Broadband Coverage in Europe study is designed to monitor the progress of EU Member States towards the gigabit coverage and 5G coverage targets as set out in the Digital Decade Policy programme.

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Big Picture

Broadband in EU countries

Find current information on broadband development in each country, as well as national strategies and policies for developing broadband.

See Also

Broadband in Sweden

Sweden’s national broadband plan, adopted in 2016, has the vision of an entirely connected Sweden and has goals for both mobile coverage and for high-speed broadband connections for households and businesses.

Broadband in Spain

Digital connectivity and 5G rollout are among the ten strategic priorities of the Spain Digital 2025 Agenda.

Broadband in Slovenia

Slovenia opts for technological neutrality and market dynamics in developing broadband networks, in particular infrastructure- and service-based competition.

Broadband in Slovakia

Slovakia has set the long-term objective of providing all households with access to ultra-fast internet by 2030.

Broadband in Romania

Romania focuses on building up a national broadband network as a step towards achieving the EU connectivity targets.

Broadband in Portugal

The Agenda Portugal Digital and the National Strategy for Connectivity in Very High Capacity Electronic Communication Networks for 2023-2030 shape development of a digital infrastructure in Portugal.

Broadband in Poland

Poland’s national broadband plan 2025 is in line with the EU’s Gigabit Society targets.

Broadband in the Netherlands

All households in the Netherlands should have the opportunity to access broadband networks of at least 100 Mbps and a vast majority should be taking advantage of 1 Gbps by 2023.

Broadband in Luxembourg

The development of a communication infrastructure with a target of gigabit broadband access throughout the country is one of the priorities in the governmental programme of Luxembourg.

Broadband in Lithuania

Lithuania aims to provide 100 Mbps by 2027 to rural areas as well supporting the Gigabit society targets 2025.

Broadband in Latvia

Latvia supports the Gigabit society targets and aims at 100 Mbps, upgradable to gigabit, for urban and rural areas as well as 5G coverage for all large urban areas.

Broadband in Italy

The Italian Strategy for Ultra Broadband Towards the Gigabit Society aims to provide gigabit connectivity to all by 2026.

Broadband in Ireland

The national broadband plan for Ireland foresees that by 2026 all premises in Ireland will have access to high-speed broadband.

Broadband in Hungary

Hungary’s National Digitalisation Strategy 2021-2030 aims to achieve a target of 95% of households covered by gigabit networks by 2030.

Broadband in Greece

The National Broadband Plan 2021-2027 promotes the use of fixed very high capacity and 5G networks. The Greek Digital Transformation Bible 2020-2025 highlights connectivity as one of the five strategic axes and acknowledges the Gigabit Society 2025 targets.

Broadband in Germany

The 2021 coalition agreement, the Digital Strategy and the Gigabit Strategy 2022 of the German Federal Government prioritise the nationwide supply of FTTH and 5G networks.

Broadband in France

The national broadband programme France Très Haut Débit sets a target of fast broadband access for all households by 2022 and fibre for all by 2025.

Broadband in Finland

The Finnish authorities favour a competition-driven, fibre-based network roll-out assisted by public funds for underserved areas and advice for local municipalities on how to deploy broadband networks.

Broadband in Estonia

Estonia has established basic broadband coverage throughout the country. The Estonian Digital Agenda sets ambitious targets for 2030.

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A number of political initiatives aiming at nation-wide fixed and mobile broadband coverage support Danish broadband goals. The Government works towards making Denmark a digital frontrunner by creating a foundation for Danish businesses to exploit digital technologies.

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